What is Fixture Lab?

We’ve been designing and merchandising bicycle stores for years, and we know how hard it can be. We also know what works. We create hard-working solutions for bicycle dealers every day, and it has paid off big time for many shops around the country. Whether its as simple as a few new hangers for your clothing, or as big as redesigning a fixture program for a whole store, we have just the right advice and the proven solutions to make it easy to succeed. Let us help your store.

Step One: Call us.

We’re the experts and we can walk you through the steps to get you an estimate and your order taken care of.

Step Two: Order and Delivery.

Once you are happy with the estimate, then we place the order. We only require 50% down to place the order. The length of time it’ll take to get you order depends a lot on the items in your order, but nearly all orders can be delivered in 3-5 weeks.

Step Three: Installation and Merchandising.

A lot of our products don’t require any installation at all, but even if they do, we have you covered with easy installation kits. We have lots of merchandising experience and would be more than happy to help you create a dynamic store that will help you to sell like crazy!